Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Sunday 3 March 2024

What a Cowboy – Old Mad Bill’s Mule

Old Mad Bill, a lunny prospector dun got ‘imself knifed in a saloon brawl. However, before he died, he let slip that he had actually found a rich gold seam and the map to this potential fortune was hidden on his mule, left tied-up outside the Sheriff’s Office.

So now, four pairs of desperados (each with a Gunslinger & a Shootist) were trying to grab the mule. Things got off to a poor start for Greg and Phil. Phil’s Gunslinger got his-self gut shot and Greg’s pair got themselves pinned down behind the Sherrif’s Office  & barn, by a cross-fire from Dave & Simon’s men. In a desperate stunt, Greg’s Gunslinger dived through the back window of the Sheriff’s Office (a 4 on two dice Greg, no I meant scoring a 4 on both dice!). Either way, Greg’s man rolled across the floor of the Sheriff’s office, dusted the broken glass off his duds and dashed to the front door.

This gave Greg’s Gunslinger a good view of the main street, covering the mule, but then Simon’s Gunslinger snuck-up to the same back window and shot Greg’s Gunslinger dead, in the back!!

Dave’s shootist took this opportunity to dash across the main street and grab the mule. He almost got away with it, but just as he scuttled down the alleyway, tugging the mule, he decided to pop off a shot at Greg’s pursuing shootist, but missing the man, he nicked the mule, promptly causing  it to stampede away toward Greg’s corner!?

Sadly Greg’s Shootist was unable to catch the mule, as Simon’s men were now raising dust around his feet, with angry shots down the street. So the mule ran off, taking Mad Bill’s secret with it!?

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