Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Sunday 23 April 2017

Salute 2017

Well, another year of 'not' going to Salute and not spending lots of cash! Every year it is the same, I decide I just can't face the crazy queues, huge dangerous back packs wielded by sociopath lunatics and rubbish lighting. But we still go. This year the queuing system was better, but car parking was up to £20!? We timed it perfectly, or so we thought. People had just started going in, when we joined. 30 minutes later we were finally in! The organisers had done a pretty good job, but had not accounted for the ability of humans to get in through the entrance and then immediately stop!?
There was a pretty good selection of games. Traders are inevitably biassed toward 'box shifters' (got to pay for the huge stand charges somehow), but there were at least a few 'new' things to see. I came away with a copy of Blitzkrieg Commander III and the new Battlegroup Tobruk supplement, among a pile of other stuff.

Simon even found a new friend. Something to do with sharing hair styles!

There were some very nice looking games, but really the lighting does not allow photographs that do them justice. Still, here are a couple of pics of a very nice Cold War 'gone hot' game. Some further inspiration Greg!

Editorial apology: I should have mentioned Rob's efforts in umpiring Thursday's DC Universe game.

Saturday 22 April 2017

DC Universe

This Thursday saw the heroes of the DC Universe come to Black Wolf. I took Capt America, Black Widow, Iron Man, Hulk and Thor. Chris took Superman, Batman, Flash (Jnr), Green Arrow and Wonder Woman.
The game opened with Chris sending Superman to beat-up the Black Widow, after she had infiltrated the game board to try to steal an objective crystal. This theme was to continue for the rest of the game, with Superman continuing to pick on somone much smaller than him, rather than face the big boys!

Meanwhile Iron Man and Flash Junior, set to, on the other side of the table, with Iron Man coming off worst. Thor then moved into confront Wonder Woman, only to collect a skip in the face for his troubles!

So the Hulk then bounded into the centre of the table, to confront Batman, but being in a bit of a foul mood, Hulk hurled a School bus at Batman, sending him flying back across the table!

Having slipped away from Superman, the Black Widow managed to link up with Capt America, to try to fight off the unwelcome attentions of the rather annoying Superman.

At this point, Iron Man decided he had had enough of Flash Jnr and headed for the new bundle in the centre of the table, featuring Hulk and Thor vs Wonder Woman. Well, she must be some tough cookie as she laid out Thor and fended off Iron Man, while withstanding Hulk's 'smashes', all without really putting a hair out of place!
By this time, the heroes of Marvel had had enough. Thor skipped off to lick his wounds, Iron Man flew off to recharge his batteries, Capt America was tied up stopping Superman hitting-on Black Widow, so the Win went to team Chris.

Elsewhere, Spaniards under Simon, were dishing out a drubbing to Mal's French, under Sharpe Practice 2, in a game run by Dave. The poor Gallic souls never really got off the start line and took a terrible pounding, before the Spanish eventually blew up the bridge, denying them their objective.

Opposite was a Cold War game of 'Tank Wreck', being partly umpired by Tony, who had only partially read the rules! Could not really tell what was happening though?