Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Sunday 3 March 2024

Holding Out @ Neuville-au-Plain - Chain of Command

 Another excellent little Chain of Command 1944 scenario, purchased off Wargames Vault. This time with the US Paras are defending against a German counter-attack on Neuville-au-Plain.

The Germans opted for 5 infantry sections and opened with a bold, rapid deployment from the Southern table edge, into the field to the East of the church. These 3 German sections rapidly rushed forward to the hedge line overlooking the church, but then quickly got bogged down in a fire-fight with paras in the church and behind the wall to the front of the church. A rush assault by the Germans around the rear of the church then ran into a US ambush, with paras seemingly hiding behind gravestones! A vicious hand-to-hand fight developed, resulting the Germans being thrown back.

Hah, thought Lieutenant Altrik, at least that is all 3 US paratroop sections now accounted for and so he launched a flanking move around to the German right, through the open woodland, with the last two German sections. However, the paras had opted for a 4th Infantry section as part of their Support Option, which deployed into the garden of the house overlooking the wood. Some pretty devastating fire from these paras quickly stalled the German flanking move. Realising that this attack was now just eating men, who could not be replaced, the Germans withdrew.  

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