Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Friday 22 December 2023

Kampfgruppe Von Luck - Scenario 1

The much vaunted 21st Panzer Division tank crews slept, while their infantry took crawling through the cornfields, trying to work out where the Allies were!

After crawling a few hundred yards, Blue section was surprised, first by a vicious ambush by a British bren gun team, then by two infantry sections, one behind the hedgerow and one further back in the cornfield. Blue section sustained heavy losses, but rallied enough to return fire. After directing Green & Yellow sections to fire at the Northernmost Allied section, Lt. Altrich ran forward to stabilise the situation with Blue section. Pausing only briefly to yell, “It’s all your fault” at Sgt Bouue, Lt. Altrich screamed at the poor quivering FAO, to laydown a mortar barrage, which the FAO prompted did, but sadly on his own position!!

Lt Altrich rolled his eyes skyward and yelled again, at the FAO, to get him to roll the barrage forward.
The combined fire of Green & Red sections was too much, even for the stalwart paras and the Allied right flank section was soon streaming to the rear.

Meanwhile with the Allied left flank pinned under the barrage, the Allied commander called for a rather disorderly retirement from the field.


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