Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Friday 22 December 2023

Chippenham in 878AD - A Game of Ravenfeast

Last night we tried out the Ravenfeast Viking-era skirmish rules. Released during lockdown they are very simple but have high production values, and best of all are free! The scenario Phil chose was very appropriate for the time of year, being the Viking surprise attack on Alfred’s Christmas celebrations at Chippenham in 878AD. The game gave me a chance to deploy my Tiny Mats winter “Frostgrave” mat and hernia-inducing Grand Manner terrain, with both Phil and I supplying figures. In my case I don’t think my figures have ever been on the table actually as Vikings. They were last seen on a table masquerading as Oathmark humans.

As a four player game Greg took the Saxons, with myself, Phil and Tony the marauding Vikings. Greg’s two units started within pallisaded area near the hall, with the three Viking groups starting at various points on the table edge. The Saxon objective was to get Alfred off the table intact together with one other “character”.

The game started with Greg seemingly moving towards the exit held by Phil, a manoeuvre that drew Tony to support Phil. 

A quick about-face saw Greg then come towards my startled warriors who moved to engage. My bondi shield wall attacked whilst the huscarls held the gap in the palisade, with the archers firing fairly ineffectually at anything that moved.

After butchering my bondi Greg saw Tony moving to reinforce that side of the battle, and once again Greg changed facing and sped towards the advancing Phil. Phil’s berserker found himself carved into little pieces, but his Jarl was made of sterner stuff and faced off with two Saxon huscarls. Greg’s shieldwall smashed into Phil’s bondi and the result was carnage. It was certainly a bad day to be a Viking! Finally, Alfred made a break for it with the rest of the Saxon force following. Tony tried to intercept with his berserker but to no avail. The Christian God smiled on Alfred and he escaped accompanied by his so-called priest.

The rules are simple but elegant, and the cards and geld add additional decision making and uncertainty to the gameplay. The only negative we noted was the stodgy, long-winded combat featuring hi status leaders. Very hard to kill!

However, we enjoyed them so much Ravenfeast will be returning on New Year’s Eve.


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