Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Saturday 4 November 2023

Swamp Fox - Game 8

We recently played scenario 8 from the Swamp Fox campaign book by the Too Fat Lardies.


In November, Major Robert McLeroth of the 64th Regiment of Foot marched on Williamsburg Township, camping at Kingstree as a challenge to Marion, in the hope of luring him out. Sensing a trap, Marion pulled his brigade out of the Black Mingo area to safer ground.

Three weeks later, Major McLeroth was in charge of a column of a hundred recruits for the 7th Fusiliers, marching from Charleston to Camden to join their new unit. Now, with the odds in his favour, Marion decided to strike.

The British forces are attempting to cross the table and exit via the road on the Western (left-hand) table edge. Whilst the Rebels enter from the Southern road.

The Rebels deployed their newly recruited militia, but they decided to head away from the British, strange.

The British deployed their light infantry into the swamp, hoping to be able to snipe at the Rebels as they marched onto the battlefield.

A group of British line deployed hoping to get to the orchard North of the buildings.

However, The Rebels stole a march on them and deployed into the orchard.

The main British column arrived at this point and started to march up the road, with the light infantry now having moved into position overlooking the Rebel entry point.

Pouring fire into the Rebels.

Francis Marion (aka the Swamp Fox) deployed his veteran militia near the cross-roads, hoping to halt the British advance.

The Loyalist militia advanced, looking to outflank the Swamp Fox.

However, they deployed in a position that blocked the advance of the British Regulars, which turned to face left and prepared to give battle to the Swamp Fox.

The Loyalist militia was now in a toe to toe firefight with the Rebel skirmishers and were giving as good as they got.

The Rebel militia were having a terrible time trying to manoeuvre around the swamp with only the veteran militia able to get into a firing position.

The British Regulars were having the best of the firefight with the veteran Rebels and things were starting to look bad for the Rebels.

Unfortunately, the firing from the British created a lot of smoke and their firepower was reduced. The Swamp Fox took this opportunity to re-order his ranks. The British advanced through the smoke only to be hit by some devastating volleys.

Soon, the regulars were in disarray and falling back.

With the British force morale plummeting and with no change of them getting past the Rebels, the game was called a Rebel victory at this point.

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