Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Saturday 4 November 2023

A Song of Ice and Fire

Following his humbling in the afternoon Dave went into the evening session with a sense of dread. Would his long drive down see him lose 2-0 on Thursday as usual! The evening game witnessed a sight not seen at “Festung Williams”, being a game firmly set in the Fantasy genre. Our long dormant “A Song of Ice and Fire” figures finally returned to the table to contest a game of Lion Rampant II with extracts from Dragon Rampant. Dave teamed up with Tony to field the Northern hordes of Stark and the Free Peoples whilst Simon and Phil led the forces of civilisation and progressive government known as House Lanister and the Targaryens.

The aim of the battle was to retrieve a magical object hidden of lost in one of the casualty pits from a long-forgotten engagement and the resultant battle was pretty much a slugfest of Targaryen vs Free People and Lanister vs Stark. No bad blood here! Suffice to say that Tony’s Free People’s belied their looks of crude furs and crap equipment to pretty much destroy the much vaunted Targaryens including a dragon. On the other flank Dave recovered the object and then had to withstand Lanister attacks which saw his General killed and several units destroyed. However they managed to reach the table-edge with the object which meant “game over”, and a victory for Dave and Tony ... or more correctly for Tony as Dave’s character was dead!


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