Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Saturday 2 May 2020

Somewhere in a warmer climate a battle ensued

So, what happened in Stevenage and the blighted North last night....

Sultan Malcolm looked for revenge over the 1st Crusaders who had destroyed his army two weeks ago and killed his predecessor, who eerily looked exactly like Malcolm.

The Crusaders set up with a defensive, infantry left wing, a more mobile right and a  “Panzer Division” of heavily armoured knights under Tony in the centre.

Interestingly the Seljuks set up with a light cavalry centre facing the armoured juggernaut, and two heavier wings. An interesting deployment with some thought applied.

The Seljuk centre and left advanced, the right under Chris decided discretion was the better part of valour and defending the camp looked an excellent idea.

Over to the Crusaders. Phil advanced his infantry the seize the high ground, Rob advanced towards Dave and Tony did what he does best. “Charge...!!!!!”

Malcolm’s light cavalry centre played “shoot and scoot” with Tony’s knights, but was gradually forced back. However, the knights line became ragged and two Seljuk units deftly moved through the gap and headed for the line of camps.  Dave attacked Rob and eventually killed the Turcopoles allowing him to exploit the gap to start a flanking attack.

However, things did look dire for the Seljuks. The centre largely disappeared either dead or evading off-table. Eventually Tony managed to turn his mass of armour. Then the chit pull which proved Greg was nearby. Three “1s” in succession. He ground to a halt.

Malcolm then miraculously managed to recover an of-table unit, returning behind Phil’s line, forcing Phil into a defensive Orbis.  All three Crusader camps fell to the Seljuk light cavalry. Could they snatch victory from the jaws of defeat?

Tony renewed his attack when Chris played the Seljuk strategem and once again Tony came to a shuddering halt.

All rested on Dave and the Seljuk left flank. Facing a unit of disordered archers his heroic general charged in. Lance, failed. Next attack a failure, but the heroic general re-draw saw a hit....and a kill.

Victory to the Seljuks!


A hard win victory. At one point the Crusader knights had seemingly won the day but were not able to turn their localised advantage into a battlefield victory.

I think that is the first victory for the Seljuks so well done Malcolm and Dave. I think Chris was also on the Seljuk side.


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