Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Sunday 10 May 2020

A Costly Day for the Brits

So, to the events of yesterday afternoon....

Late Autumn ‘44. Skirmishing along the Dutch/German border sees a British tank unit taking on the Jerries on the outskirts of a village.

The Brits have two Sherman’s, a Firefly and a tiny Stuart. Maybe the latter will be too small for Jerry no notice.

The Germans field a Panther, a Hetzer and a MKIV.

Battle opened with Phil’s Stuart embarking on a charge toward the German lines. Inspired or insane? Malcolm’s Hetzer moved into firing position and got a round away. A miss!

Tony decided that the Stuart posed a major tactical threat that Malcolm couldn’t cope with, and moved to assist.

Meanwhile Dave moved into cover and the Sherman troop decided that discretion was the better part of valour and kept well North  of the Panther.

Phil’s Stuart died, the victim of a Panther 75mm shell.

With the battle switching North Malcolm moved into an ambush position to get side shots on any passing Sherman. Chris duly obliged but the Hetzer missed.

Dave took damage and saw his command dice dwindle. Nearly “hors de combat” but not quite.

It came down to a slug-fest between the Panther and the Firefly, with Chris helping with a kamikaze charge to get to the rear of the Panther. The Firefly exploded in a ball of flame and next turn Tony was first out of the bag and in a position to use his superior manoeuvrability to get a flank shot on Chris. Cue one more “Tommy Cooker”.

Phil decided to call it a day and pulled the remaining Sherman back to the safety of Allied lines.


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