Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Saturday 4 April 2020

To the Srongest in the Digital Age

So, what went on last night in leafy Hertfordshire, and the bleak and blasted outstation in Cambridgeshire.

I’ll tell you....despite Coronavirus and lockdown, TTS happened. And mighty fine it was to!

Thanks to “Zoom” and Phil’s impeccable planning, 5 players huddled over their laptop screens whilst I ( aka the “Supreme Being” .....or maybe Mars, the Roman god of war would have been more appropriate), moved the table-top Miniatures and pulled all the chits to see who lived and who died....

From memory, Greg lived up to his reputation drawing two “1s” in quick succession.  The Romans steadily advanced...well their left flank and centre did. The right flank cowered behind a hill.

Desultory skirmishing on the flanks proved fairly indecisive for much of the game. Rob’s impetuous cavalry charge left his command leaderless for some time. Chris continued to bide his time “in reserve” on the Roman right.

The main event saw carnage in the centre.  The Romans pulled good chits....the Celts were having a bad day of it. Being disordered makes hitting and killing very difficult.Finally the Romans broke through in the centre and following Dave’s plea for action, Chris decided to attack, in a similar fashion to Italy attacking France in June 1940. A similar result. Dead Auxilia.

Despite the losses the Celts did kill legionaries, albeit the latter are “well ‘ard”. However the battle was over when veteran legionaries smashed into Phil’s already doubly-disordered fanatics. Carnage.

I think it worked admirably. We started at 18.56, four minutes ahead of schedule. One coffee/tea break at 19.55 ( including clapping the NHS), and it was all over circa 21.15. No arguments, a few issues with sound quality/Dave’s Scottish accent but pretty good. Unless you were Greg where “normal service was resumed”.


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