Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Saturday 18 April 2020

Deus Vult

And thus, in Anno Domini 1097 the host of the Lord met the Infidel on the field or battle…..somewhere in eastern Anatolia.

The Seljuks lined up with strong wings and a primarily light centre. Interesting. The Crusaders massed their knights on their right and left flanks, leaving the infantry to plod along in the centre under their less imaginative leader.

Phil’s Seljuk right manoeuvred deftly around the more ponderous Crusader units and was soon through the Crusader line. Rob pushed the Seljuk centre forward, but his missile fire had little effect. Malcolm advanced steadily with the mixed cavalry force of the Seljuk left. Suddenly the Crusader knights broke into a charge and hit the Seljuk cavalry. A few units evaded but one cavalry unit died. Shame it was the General who with a save of one and wound of ten went straight to Paradise. The Crusaders didn’t care as they took 4 Victory medals.  Phil took one Crusader camp and was positioning to force another unit through the gap when a chit pull of a one brought his adventure to a grinding halt.

Rob continued with missile fire in the centre .A few hits were scored but easily saved . The carnage continued on the Seljuk left. More units died as they failed to evade and were no match  for the seasoned lance armed Knights. Eventually the whole Seljuk left had either died or left the table.  With one victory medal to play for Chris made his solitary contribution  to the game by killing a Seljuk light unit with his bowmen.

Everyone admitted that life is tough for the Seljuks. A 6 x 4” table gives little room for manoeuvre with a light cavalry army, albeit Phil did show that they can “have their moment”.


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