Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Sunday 4 August 2024

Infamy Infamy: In Goth we Trust

Inspired by Colin Murray’s article in the 2023 Too Fat Lardies special we played a game of Late Romans defending a farmstead against a Gothic warband. The Goths were tasked to capture some Roman civilians, although the likelihood of it descending into a punch-up to see who was the last-man standing was highly probable.

The Romans deployed early and started to head towards the farmhouse much to the dismay of the Gothic player.

The Gothic warbands now deployed from the woods

with the Romans turning to face them.

The Goths started to raise their fervour in anticipation of a mass charge into the Roman lines.

The warbands charged, but the Romans held and managed to push the Goths back.

However, the Limitanei on the Roman left were struggling to hold the Goth Nobles

and the Gothic archers were sneaking their way through the farmstead, on the lookout for any civilians.
It was looking bad for both sides as their force morale was failing. It was down to who was activated first on the next turn. The Gods were smiling on the Romans as their Warlord came out of the bag first. Activating the last unit of Comitatenses to charge the Goths in the flank, breaking the warband and wounding their leader.

The Goths at this point were obliged to withdraw empty handed, dragging their many wounded away.

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