Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Thursday 10 November 2022

Seven Days to the River Rhine: Kaboom Power Plant Scamble: Lost Ark: 5th Nov 2022


Game two of the Lost Ark mini convention. 15mm Cold War, using the ‘Seven Days to the River Rhine’ rules. The premise of the game was that ‘rogue’ Warsaw Pact elements were threatening to seize the Kaboom Nuclear Plant. Three Warsaw Pact elements deployed in locations Red 1, 2 & 3, while 3 ‘scratch’ NATO Combat Teams deployed in locations Blue 1, 2 & 3. The British being in location 2, the West Germans in location 2 & the US Marines in Location 1. Each force nominally comprised of a tank platoon, supported by a mechanised infantry platoon.

The game opened with Rob’s more superior T72s (compared to the other WP T55s!!) dashing forward to cover the left flank of the advance on the Power Plant, while Phil’s more elderly Polish T55s covered the right flank & Dave’s equally elderly East German T55s advanced on the Plant itself.

Simon’s BAOR Chieftains ventured out to engage Rob’s T72, but quickly had lost 2 of the starting 3 tanks, for only similar number of T72s being knocked-out in reply.

On the WP right flank, Phil’s Polish T55s and OT64s managed to fight their way into Threlsville, but only after suffering massive losses from Chris’s mast equipped LAV/TOW system.

In the centre, Dave’s East Germans managed to breach the Power Plant’s perimeter fence & seize the main control facility & reactor building, before Greg’s West Germans could start to contest the Power Plant’s accommodation blocks.

The rest of the game was attritional, with Infantry fighting it out among the Power Plant accommodation blocks, while tanks & APCs manoeuvred to provide fire support. By the end of the game, the WP elements were down to a single operational T55, while the British retained a single Chieftains and the West German & US Marines still had a couple of tanks left running. Fire from these remaining MBTs, plus the surviving APCs, was thought to be sufficient to drive the remaining WP infantry elements out of the Power Plant, thus re-securing Kaboom for NATO.

As ever, SDttRR is a quick & bloody game, but a fun in-fill for what was left of the afternoon!

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