United States Forces (Dave)
- Captain McLintock – Status II with Two Groups of 8 Regular Infantry
- Sergeant Davison - Status I with One Groups of 8 Regular Infantry
- Captain Bush – Status II with Two Groups of 6 Rifle Regiment
- Lieutenant Clinton – Status I with One Group of 10 U.S. Volunteers in line (Musket armed)
- Lieutenant Masters - Status I with One Group of 6 Woodsmen
British Forces (Rob & Steve)
- Captain McGarrigle – Status II + Sergeant Burt – Status I, with Three Groups of 8 British Regulars
- Captain Corburn – Status II, with One Group of 10 Select Embodied Militia
- Lieutenant Walliams – Status I, with One Group of 6 British Light Infantry
- Lieutenant Mitchell – Status I, with One Group of Artillery crew and a light gun
The British started on a Force Morale of 6, which could be
increased by 2, if the supply train reaches the fort. The US started in 10.
The Americans win by capturing the British Primary
Deployment point, or driving the British Force Morale to zero.
In turn the British were obliged to deploy the militia on
the fort palisade, to engage the US woodsmen. But, just as the British fire started
to have some effect, the US deployed a militia unit, to threaten the fort more
directly and the gun & militia were forced to switch targets.
Over on the US right, the main US Regulars had been forced to
march around their own advance guard, tramping through slowly through the woods
to the West of the ‘T’ junction. However, as the US line started to wheel
around, the British light infantry appeared behind their right flank, wounding
the US Commander and inflicting significant Shock on the US Line.
The US responded by rushing the Woodsmen across the road, to
tackle the new threat of the British lights.
While all this drama was happening back in the woods, the
main British line, still exposed in the open, was starting to crumble in the
face of sustained US rifle & musket fire. First the left of the British
Line was driven back, then the centre and finally the line formation was broken
apart. This onslaught on the British Force morale, just ate through their meagre
starting position, so British morale collapsed!
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