Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Thursday, 23 January 2025

What a Tanker, 22nd Jan 2025 – “Panther Hunt”

We decided to dust off an old Lardies favourite, “What a Tanker”, for our Wednesday Zoom game.

Instead of my usual 15mm WaT scale of choice, as we were playing over Zoom, I opted for 28mm, in the hope that the bigger vehicles would be more visible over Zoom. Taking on board the observation that urban WaT game was more fun than ‘open field’, this would be a struggle for a village crossroads.

A Panther, backed up by a diminutive Hetzer, (commanded by Rob) took on two Sherman M4s and two Cromwells (commanded by Mal & Steve). 82 points a side, on revised points scheme. The objective was to either eliminate the other side, or have the only vehicles within 12” of the crossroads, for 3 consecutive turns. Both sides had one dummy blind.

Rob’s Germans opted to send the Panther South and the Hetzer North. The Allies (Mal & Steve) opted to send the M4s North and the Cromwells South.

The Hetzer scooted forward to take an overwatch position, just North of the Church. It’s first target was an M4 attempting to flank the church. A hit, but no damage, just driving it back. The second M4 then edged forward, to take a shot at the Hetzer, a miss! The Hetzer returned fire, driving this second M4 back, before a second shot brewed it up.

Meantime the Panther had taken up position at the South end of the church. One of the Cromwells rashly exposed itself, flanking to the South of the village. Bang, one shot, one burning Cromwell! The Panther then swung out, to take out the second M4, which was trying to flank to the North of the church.

The second Cromwell then showed itself, attempting a flank shot on the Panther. Another miss, double 1!? The Panther pivoted, but no Aim dice!?

Having dealt with the second M4, the Hetzer dashed down, to try to get around the rear of the last Cromwell (bravely completely ignoring the Allied blind!). Steve’s Cromwell was having none of this and backed straight over the hedge, just South of the Hetzer. Reversing on, the Cromwell briefly slowed, to take a pot shot at the flank of the Hetzer. Another miss!?! Allied gunnery today was appalling!

By now the Panther had joined the Hetzer, but suffered the first German miss of the game! The Cromwell driver rammed it in reverse, only to be hotly pursued by the Panther, at which point the Cromwell hoisted the white flag!

Fun game. 28mm vehicles are visible over Zoom, but do take up a lot of table space. But still a cagey and tactical game.

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