Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Lion Rampant 2 Game: Vikings vs Normans

 A scenario based on the rulebook scenario 8, “Sausages with Mustard”, modified as ‘Burn the Village’.

4 huts were placed, around a central deployment zone. The Vikings are here to burn the village down, as revenge for the killing of their previous Viking Warlord. The Vikings must burn-down as many of the village huts as possible (as per rules for setting fire to objective in Scenario 7). The attacker would gain 2 VP for each hut destroyed, while the defender would gain 2VP for each hut saved.

The Norman defenders elected to place their unit of Heavy Infantry in the village, with the  remainder of the force deploying in the North Eastern corner zone. The Viking attacker set up in the South Western corner zone.

The Viking attackers were lead by Ragnor (Steve & Rob). Leader Skills of ‘Commanding’, ‘Aggressive’ & ‘ Strongsword’, with a force comprising of;

  • Ragnor + 1x Elite Infantry
  • 2x Veteran Heavy Infantry
  • 1x Light Infantry
  • 1x Unit of Archers

The Norman defenders, were lead by William (Dave), with leader skills, ‘Commanding’ & ‘Patient’, with a force comprising of;

  • William + 1x Elite Cavalry
  • 2x Elite Cavalry
  • 1x Heavy Infantry
  • 1x Unit of Archers

The Vikings chose to march the bulk of their force straight down the road, to the village, while the archers flanked to their left. The Viking light infantry, being faster, reached the village first, only to encounter the Norman infantry holding the bridge. 

The Viking lights advanced toward the Southernmost hut, intending to set it alight, but the Normans charged them. However the Normans were dismayed to find their Attack Value was only 5, vs the Vikings light infantry Defence of 4! The Normans were thrown back, but the Viking light infantry failed their Courage test and also fell back, straight into the line of fire of the Norman archers! The Normans loosed their arrows and the Viking light infantry was routed.

Back at the bridge, the Norman cavalry, now unmasked by their Heavy Infantry, could see the Viking heavy infantry. Failing their Wild Charge test, the first unit of Norman knights surged forward. Disaster, another draw. The knights were thrown back in disorder.

This left William exposed on the bridge and Ragnor and his elite warriors charged forward. We all forgot the Norman Counter-Charge, but the combat turned out to be another draw (2 all) and Ragnor’s men were thrown back.

Seeing Ragnor winded, William charged his knights at the unit of Viking Heavy Infantry, pushing them back. William then turned his attention on Ragnor, slaying all of Ragnor’s elites, sparing only Ragnor himself.

But William’s knights were now very depleted and exhausted and he was forced to retire across the bridge, sounding his horn, to recall the 3rd unit of knights, that had galloped (well more waddled!) to the Western ford, to drive off the Viking archers.

This 3rd unit of knights arrived back at the village just in time. One unit of Viking heavy infantry had fallen upon the Norman foot, slaughtering them. The second unit of Viking heavies had surged across the bridge, looking to burn a 3rd hut, but the Norman reinforcements arrived in the nick of time!

After a brief struggle, the Norman knights routed the Viking heavies. Realising that victory was slipping from his grasp, Ragnor dashed to meet the surviving Norman knights, mid bridge (after remembering & passing their counter-charge!). Ragnor was ridden down. A hard fought victory to the Normans!  Lion Rampant 2 is no in-depth combat simulation, it is a fun game!!

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