Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Friday 14 June 2024

Raiding the Wilderness

We played another game of Sharp Practice set in the American Rebellion. This time based upon the Raiding the Wilderness from the 2023 Lard Mag.

In this scenario the Loyalists are intent on raiding a Rebel farmstead and have brought along some friendly Indians. The local militia have turned out in defence of the farmstead and are hoping for some badly needed reinforcements (continentals and state line) to turn up.

The militia deploy around the farmstead

Whilst the Loyalist provincials march down the road, torches in hand, ready for a bit of arson.

The sneaky Indians ambush from the woods in the north, knocking out the militia leader of some skirmishers. This is only the start of thing going badly wrong for the Rebels. However, The turn ends and he quickly gets up. Maybe things aren’t going to be as bad as they first appeared, or maybe not.

After a few rounds of fire from the Indians, the skirmishers are driven off

Only to be replaced by the militia line. However, their fire is pretty ineffective.

Meanwhile, the Provincials form line and advance upon the farmstead.

The Provincial skirmishers advance into the southern woods. However, the sergeant is livid as he finds that they haven’t been cleaning their barrels properly.

With fouled barrels, reducing their firepower, the Provincial skirmishers advance towards the farmstead, hoping to bring cold steel to the Rebels.

The Indians charge towards the militia, forcing them to break and run.

At this point the game ended due to the Rebel morale falling to zero and the expected reinforcements having not turned up.

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