The Egyptians have deployed new SA-3 surface-to-air missile batteries in the Western Sinai. The IDF airforce have found that these can be attacked by low level air strikes, but the Egyptians have countered this by deploying ZSU-23s on the approach paths to the SA-3 batteries. IDF armour units have hence been tasked with neutralising these ZSU-23s. The Egyptians have also now employed obsolete SU-100 assault guns to protect the ZSU-23s.
Egyptian: 1x ZSU-23, 3x SU-100 - deployed on table anywhere in columns B to H. 3x T-55 reinforcements, arriving on turn 4 at entry point A1/2.
IDF: 3x Magach 3s (deploying on turn 1 @ entry M7/8), 3x Centurion Sho’t (deploying on turn 3 @ M7/8))
The ZSU and SU-100s were deployed under blinds so the IDF had to acquire these to determine what they were.
The first IDF Magach 3 deployed in the south east and acquired blind 3, which was a SU-100 so it took careful aim and the result was one ex tank destroyer.
Blind 1 now moved into a firing position to the north of the orchard, next to his burning mate. However, another Magach 3 deployed, acquired (which turned out the be a SU-100) and destroyed him. This wasn't a good start for the Egyptians.
In the meantime the third Magach 3 raced to the north and discovered that blind 4 was a mirage. However, that charge up the table must have done something to the running gear as the crew spent the next few turns contemplating life the universe and everything.
The IDF advanced and finally discovered the last SU-100 which was hiding in the southern woods (blind 5). As things were going quite badly for the Egyptians the reinforcement order was changed with the T55s arriving before the Centurions.
The SU-100 started to play a game of hide and seek with the advancing IDF...
first brewing up the Magach 3 in the village then backing away behind the woods...
and then moving into a firing position to hopefully take the Magach 3 in the flank...
The Centurions advanced rapidly to out gun the remaining SU-100 whilst the T55s took up position in the woods to the west.
but the T55s proved to be more of a problem than the SU-100s. Result one brewed up Centurion.
getting a nice flank shot.
and charged the Magach 3 in the orchard which resulted in a very Mexican stand off.
As it was past certain peoples bed time it was decided to call the game a draw. Despite the early victories against the SU-100s this was a difficult game for the IDF as the target ZSU proved to be very elusive.
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