Wargaming from Hertfordshire & Beyond!

Friday, 10 July 2020

Black Seas; The Great Escape...

With the British blockade on Continental European ports ever tightening, the scene was set for the desperate attempt by the Spanish to break through and return one of its mighty 3rd rates to the safety of Cartagena harbour.

The Spanish entered from the NE corner of the table, the British from the SW.  Chris decided to send the behemoth straight across in a Tony-esque charge, albeit at a tardy 4” per move segment. The British sent their frigates to deal with Chris leaving the Brigs to protect the flanks.

Gunfire was poured into Chris, but he just smiled even as criticals were landed. No seeming effect.

The brigs traded desultory cannon-fire. Again a few criticals but no killing blows.

With some deft manoeuvring the frigates even managed to land some stern rakes on Chris, but the 3rd rate could take it. Indeed, all ships seemed to be in remarkably good condition despite the brisk exchanges of fire. Also noticeable this week was the lack of point –blank action. After all, who would want to get close to Chris!

Eventually Chris broke through the British line and the British realised that under sail there was nothing they could to catch him.  Malcolms’ Spanish brig also slipped beyond the horizon leaving Phil’s Brig on-table facing the scattered British forces. However assessing the scene of battle afterwards , even this vessel stood an excellent chance of escape unless Tony’s bow gun could land a spectacular blow.

From the vantage point of the Supreme Being, the game had seemed to go well. Despite Chris’ escape the game had been more finely balanced than it appeared. After battle chat revealed he was only 8 points from potentially striking his colours. One of two more rounds of gunfire could have done the trick. The advanced and additional rules did add a certain “je ne said pas”……as French gamers would say.

Next week, back to WAT and France 1940 , but this time with the BEF ……


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