In this fourth scenario from the Too Fat Lardies Swamp Fox
supplement we again have Swampy Buchanan pitted against Major
May. Curently the games are 2:1 to Swampy Buchanan. Will this see the lead extended for Swampy or will Major May make a comeback.

Major May deploys his regular troops into the cover of the tavern yard.
Swampy gets a good run on the command cards and manages to get the veteran militia under Major Hugh Horry into a good position to attack the Tavern.
However a large mob of Loyalist Militia storm out of the Tavern and fire a devasting volley into the now formed ranks of the Militia.
Panic ensues and the Militia start to fall back, with morale falling at the same time.Time for Swampy Buchanan to deploy to the left of the retiring Militia, to hopefully help bolster their morale.
Swampy moves into position and pours fire into the Loyalist Militia. The Loyalists fire back but Swampy is having the better of this fight.
Meanwhile the British Regulars advance towards the light wood and force the Rebel skirmishers to retire.
From their position in the woods the British Regulars snipe at the Veteran Militia, whilst they are trying to redress ranks and again the Militia become disorganised and fall back leaving one of the officers on the field of battle. Morale plummets and the Rebels decide the the battle is over and retire into the swamp.