EDITOR: Mr Peter Day,Walnut Way, Ickleford.HITCHIN. Herts. SG5 3XZ
Hi all,
Well it's been a busy Autumn so far at the club with a lot happening.
Firstly many thanks to all those that turned up at the Quiz evening. I hope you had a good time and look forward to next years quiz! Paul raised a total of £114 for the Poppy appeal so a big thanks to all those that contributed items for sale and also to those that bought.
Many thanks to Jim and lan for arranging big Sunday games of late and of course thanks to those that turned up to game on those days and also my own big Sunday ECW game and Roman Civil War WAB game.
Also many thanks to John Dixon for helping out at the Letchworth Model Show. If you attended I hope you had an enjoyable day or few hours at the show. Also thanks to all those that helped run/play practice games before hand.
We welcome to the club Simon Thedy who some of you have met over the last few Thursdays. Simons contact phone number is 01462 ######, which can be added to the phone list I provided at the beginning of the year.
Once again I need to know if you are rejoining the club so that I can work out the cost for membership. If you could let me know as soon as possible that would be helpful.
Also I would like to update my phone contact numbers list and also make sure that I have your correct Mobile number for use in emergencies etc.
As Christmas is fast approaching we have organised a club Xmas meal, or I should more correctly say Colin has. The meal will be held at the Millstream pub, Hitchin as in previous years. The date for the diary is Tuesday December 18th. Please see Colin as soon as possible if you would like to come along.
We continue to run the Kit Swop evenings once a month now. The next one is December 15th. Remember the idea behind these is to bring in any odd unwanted items to see if there are any takers at the club before selling them off elsewhere. Remember to price them and put your name on them.
Chris Fitall has managed to procure a number of playing boards for the club. These are propped up behind the 'Lancers' grey storage boxes and spare chairs. These should allow us to have larger table tops without using three tables. Many thanks to Chris for his efforts in obtaining these. I think now we are safe for table tops and playing spaces.
Chris Banks and David Buchanan have delayed the Big Flames of war game for a bit whilst they work round the rules to allow a more playable game. More news as and when I get it and a re-planned date hopefully soon.
Tony May is organising a fan Xmas game to be played out on the December 20th Meeting. This

Talking of the Last meet of the year. So far we have booked the hall up to the 20th December. If you would like to attend on the 27th December please let me know (or better still add your name to the poster on the notice board). If I don't get more than 7 people interested in attending then I personally don't think it worth booking the hall. Let me know if you want to wargame between Xmas and New Year please thanks.
Don't forget we also have two slots left for Big Sunday games if anyone is interested in putting on one before Xmas. The dates are 2nd December and 16th December.
Well that's all for this newsletter, if you could let me know as soon as possible if you are rejoining the merry band of wargamers that would be helpful. I expect next years hall hire to be the same costing and going by the numbers of people we have at the club at present I'd say the cost to each member would be about £45 approx.
Cheers all see you at the club soon.